Reasons why you should have your tree stumps ground

A tree stump being cut by a tractor.
  1. They don’t look pretty – Especially in the middle of your yard a stump can be ugly.  Plus, you are unable to lay sod or landscape around it.
  2. They are Trip hazards – Can be a very costly insurance claim if someone trips over a tree stump on your property.  Also, you will not hit it with your lawnmower or run over it with your car if it is close to your driveway.
  3. Things will grow on top of the tree stump – Mushrooms, other fungi and even other trees will grow on top of the tree stump.  Also, weeds love to grow on tree stumps.
  4. Bugs love them! – Bugs love to infest and eat the rotten wood.  This is especially important if the stump is close to your house as termites are attracted to stumps.  Ground hornets and snakes like to make their homes in tree stumps also.


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A tree stump being cut by a tractor.